Online Safety
Who is not online these days? Virtually everyone is! However, not everyone knows how to stay safe online.
Do you need a crash course in online safety? How do you improve your web browsing? Should you be worried about online privacy? How do you enhance your privacy and security?

WhatsApp Scams Galore!
Imagine getting a message saying: "Hi! This is your sister, stuck in Canada. I need money to cross the border. Help me, please!"

Is Your Phone Being Stalked?
Has your phone been hacked? Is anyone reading your WhatsApp messages? Are you being spied on even as you read this?
Just the idea of being spied on o…

¿Compras Cada Vez Más en Línea? ¡Los Ladrones También!
A medida que pasamos más tiempo en casa y compramos menos en persona, nuestras compras en línea han aumentado. Estamos comprando y ordenando a trav�…

Shopping Online More? Thieves Are Too!
As we spend more time at home and are shopping less in person, our online shopping has increased. We're shopping and ordering through websites and app…

COVID-19 Phishing Scams Explained
The coronavirus malaise is unfortunately an excellent opportunity for scammers and hackers to "phish" you.
They snatch personal and financial infor…

The Up Your Privacy Game
There’s a major scrimmage happening continually in the digital world. You need to get off the bench and get into the game to safeguard your person…

Do You Need a VPN (Virtual Private Network)?
Surfing the web can be dangerous on many different levels. We all know that. With a simple click you can download malware, ransomware or viruses. And …

Ripped Off Because of Your Secret Surveillance Score?
Many businesses use this score (with intimate details) to predetermine your consumer behavior. Reckon this is a way to profit from you, or what?

Protect Your Messenger Accounts from Scammers and Hackers!
Are you on a messenger platform or program? Like WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat and the like? Are you aware of how many scams are happening on these platform…

How many online accounts do you have? Are they safe from hackers and scammers? If so, that means you've probably been careful, or at least lucky.

It's Time to Up Your Personal Privacy Game
Are you concerned about your online and offline privacy? Some people aren't concerned because they think they have nothing to hide or that all of thei…

Hacked on Social Media?
Are you unknowingly bombarding friends with random tweets with dark links? Sharing pictures and clickbait links on Instagram without your knowledge? I…

Are You Being Manipulated?
Our tech knows how to manipulate our decisions on the web. So what can we do?

Online Profiling: It's Not What You Think. It's Worse!
No, robots have not taken over the planet. But, some online users might think that's the case when they learn how advancements in artificial intellige…

How to Safeguard Your Digital Valuables
Hackers breaking into your online accounts can cost you thousands of dollars. So how do you protect yourself?

Do You Click Random Links?
Clicking links with enticing offers or headlines? Or just randomly, when you're bored? Clicking links with enticing offers or headlines? Or just ran…

Cuando Estas en Línea ¿Cuántas Veces Haces Clic en Enlaces sin Pensarlo?
Cuando estas en línea ¿Cuántas veces haces clic en enlaces sin pensarlo?
Ya sabes, títulos llamativos u ofertas que parecen demasiado buenas pa…

Enhance Your Security by Checking Your Browser Settings
Many of us use a web browser multiple times a day. Yet, we may not be taking advantage of the features and settings that can enhance our privacy and s…

About to Buy a Smart Home or Install Smart Technology in Your Current Home?
Do you have a smart home? In a smart home you can monitor, track, and control various appliances, devices, and gadgets through the Internet using an a…

Watch Out for These Twists on Phishing
If you have been online for any length of time, you have heard about phishing. Phishing uses a variety of methods to obtain your personal and financia…
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